She might have a bad day, and.... She might not let him kiss her...
But his dog "Chubby" always will love him.
Puede que ella no esté de humor...Puede que no le deje besarla, pero "Gordito" siempre le querrá.
*P.S. Chubby is a cross between dog and a pinch of ship.
*PD. Gordito es un cruce entre perro y una pizca de oveja.
15 comentarios:
Jajaja... seguramente todo hombre ha pasado por una situación similar alguna vez. Pobrecito, se nota que estaba esperanzado :(
Me gusta mucho tu illo :D
Lots of stories in this picture ... and great imagination.
i love the beautiful soft colors and loose fresh drawing!
I hope she has a good day.
Aaaah....I love Chubby. He's very lucky to have such a dog. What does he want more:)?
Pobre gorditín, me identifico con él, sniff :(
lovely painting! wonderful colors and mood!
i love chubby :-)
Another wonderful entry by you! Can I take Chubby home? I love him :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Awww. That's so sweet and adorable, my friend. I love the tragic effect of that dark and gloomy sky.
Hey I skipped this! :-(
VERY good!
really enjoy your light watercolor technique.
what a stormy and darky sky!I like your gordito animal, never seen before, umh!
This is very good too, Lu! sorry I wasn't able to reply last week (my blogger was not working well) Great work!
no cambies de sitio, parece que vuelvo a ver!!!
mola mucho gordito, sobre todo esa cara de "no te preocupes, hombre, que estas cosas pasan..."
es muy curriño :)
Saludos a todos!!
e.e.b: de todas formas no sabía qué hacer, pero seguiré aquí de momento.
Un beso
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